This spring has been a great harvest for Filmotor!
We bring to Visions du Reel 2019 a new Czech documentary Off Sides in the Grand Angle Section. The film focusing on youth, sport and prejudice has a promising festival run and we announce more festivals soon.
This March we also picked 2 documentaries in CPH:DOX and again as last year they are the productions from Italy and Finland!
First is Enrico Masi’s “Shelter“, an Italian surprise at spring festivals. Film was selected in the main competition at CPH:DOX (March 20-31), Cinéma du réel (March 15-24), and BFI Flare in one of the main sections called “Bodies”. Moreover, it’s just been nominated for the annual Doc Alliance Award by nomination of CPH:DOX and will be presented during the Cannes Film Festival. The award will be delivered in Doc Day Lunch of the Marché du Film on May 21st 2019.

From Finland we have started to represent the docu-thriller “The Hypnotist” – the incredible story about Finnland’s own Rasputin, the hypnotist and liar Olliver Hawk. Film brings together mental health issues and Finnish politics during the presidency of Erho Kekkonen who held the function for incredible 26 years. In Finland film enjoyed the theatrical release and the award for the best Finnish Documentary in Tampere Film Fest. Internationally film premiered in CPH:DOX – Nordic competition. The North American premiere is happening this April at Hot Docs Toronto!

Hypnotisoija Olavi Hakasalo “Olliver Hawk” 1973
© Heikki Y. Rissanen/Otavamedia