Anxious in Beirut Wins the Golden Goblet Award in Shanghai Film Festival

“Anxious in Beirut”, a 93 minutes documentary directed by Zakaria Jaber and produced by Jumana Saadeh, has been honored with the prestigious Golden Goblet Award at the
highly acclaimed Shanghai International Film Festival.
“Anxious in Beirut” stood out among a diverse and competitive selection of films, the film’s unique youthful perspective and compelling narrative captivated the festival jury
and resonated with audiences alike. Directed by 29-year-old Zakaria Jaber, “Anxious in Beirut” delves into the life of the film director himself through the hardships that Lebanon has been through in the past three years. The film’s powerful storytelling and insightful exploration sheds light on the Lebanese youth’s life, challenges and hopes.

The film started the moment Zakaria began filming the 2019 Lebanese revolution on a daily basis. Jumana, a Jordanian producer then suggested taking his documentation to another level by producing a documentary. They joined forces, wrote the initial script, and applied for Al Jazeera documentary fund, where they successfully received a coproduction grant.
Subsequently, Al Jazeera English joined and commissioned the film for their Witness strand. 15L, a Spanish production house then joined as minor producers, providing essential assistance. The film was also pitched at the MEDIMED Market, where it gained significant recognition. Lastly, Filmotor, a distribution and sales company from Prague has adopted the film and came on board to manage the distribution of the film worldwide and to provide the festival services.

“We are incredibly honored and grateful to receive this esteemed recognition. This award is a testament to the power of documentary filmmaking” said Zakaria Jaber, expressing his gratitude for the award.

After captivating audiences at the film national premiere during “Ecran Du Reel” film festival in Beirut and receiving Goblet Award at its international premiere, the films’ next stop will be for its North American premiere at “Maine International Film Festival”.