16 hours ago
Docville is presenting our 2 titles in the competitive sections 🔥🔥
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR | Belgian competition | www.docville.be/en/film-en?id=23113
Songs of Slow Burning Earth | International competition | www.docville.be/en/film-en?id=23130
#premieres ...
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2 days ago
Proudly presenting the trailer of I AM NIGHT AT NOONDAY starting soon in competitions of Cinéma du réel - Festival international du film documentaire & CPH:DOX
Starring Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Marseille & the most beautiful horse in the world 🐴
Les Films de l'oeil sauvage
#DonQuixote #worldpremiere ...
2 days ago
The educational significance of documentary cinema 💪✍🏻 Songs of Slow Burning Earth is not only traveling to film festivals but also reaching universities around the globe, where it’s being discussed by scholars. After a recent screening at Kino Nights at Arizona State University, Ana Olenina Hedberg, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Media Studies, wrote a piece about our film that we would love to share with you.
In her text, the author describes the film as a “modern masterpiece of direct cinema” and an “elegy depicting the slow agony and anguish of a country that has no respite, that is constantly under attack”.
🔗 Read Death is behind the Frame: Olha Zhurba's tribute to Ukrainian solidarity in full via the link in comments.
✍🏻 «Пісні землі, що повільно горить» мандрує не лише кінофестивалями, а й університетами по всьому світу, де його обговорюють науковці. Після нещодавнього показу на «Ночах кіно» в Університеті штату Арізона, доцентка кафедри порівняльного літературознавства та медіазнавства Анна Оленіна Гедберг написала статтю про наш фільм, якою ми хотіли б поділитися з вами.
У своєму тексті авторка характеризує фільм, як «сучасний шедевр документального кіно» та «елегію, що зображує повільну агонію й страждання країни, яка не має перепочинку та постійно зазнає нападів».
🔗 Читайте есей Death is behind the Frame: Olha Zhurba's tribute to Ukrainian solidarity за посиланням у коментарях.
Olha Zhurba | Moon Man | Final Cut for Real | We have a plan | ARTE | Film i Skåne AB | Filmotor
#SongsOfSlowBurningEarth | #ПісніЗемліЩоПовільноГорить ...
2 days ago
📣Filmotor PR 📣
Queens of Joy now in Deadline Hollywood 🫶
"Experiencing joy in wartime might sound like an impossibility, but members of the LGBTQ community in Ukraine are proving it’s not only achievable, but even a form of resistance." ...
3 days ago
📣Filmotor PR 📣
We are excited to share the trailer of 👑Queens of Joy that premiered yesterday at Thessaloniki International Film Festival 🔥
Variety reveals the background of the film production!
"“Queens of Joy” is making history even before its world premiere as one of three projects chosen by Ukraine’s public broadcaster Suspilne in their first-ever effort to co-produce films. It will also be the first LGBTQ+ film shown on the public national broadcaster."
@queensofjoy_film #filmotorPR