In the Bijlmer, in Amsterdam-Zuidoost, every culture has its own rituals around death. Funeral manager Anita has the task of attracting all those cultures to her soon to be built multicultural funeral home in the middle of the Bijlmer. Anita sets out on a tour to get to know this unfamiliar world. But the deeper she penetrates, the more she realises how little she knows about the Bijlmer’s different cultures. She is a white Dutchwoman in a ‘multicoloured’ society.
Is this new funeral home uniting all cultures under a single roof
fulfilling the Bijlmer’s needs, or is it the vision of a funeral company that hopes to conquer the market? Anita continues to do her best to win over the Bijlmer, but when she is confronted with death in her own life and she distances herself from the project, the question is whether the new funeral home will ever be built.
Q&A with director Paul Sin Nam Rigter during Sao Paulo Mostra: MOSTRA CONVERSA – PAUL SIN NAM RITGER – YouTube